
Summer is Over

It was a good summer, but unfortunately, classes start tomorrow. I learned a lot this summer about myself, my work, and my life. Overall, it was a good time. I also got a lot of physical activity in. I kept up with everything that I did all summer, and here it is:

-29 workouts total, consisting of exercises such as bench, curls, shoulder press, squats, leg extension, rows, pull-ups, etc
-approximately 85 miles total
-10 hours, 28 min, 6 sec
-approximate average pace of 7:32.4 min/mile
-343 miles
-22 hours, 24 min, 2 sec
-avg speed of 14.6 mph
-max speed of 45.6 mph
-max distance of 66.02 mi
-16 tennis matches played
Core Work:
-2671 push-ups
-3440 sit-ups
-only 800 meters swam, only swam once
-12976 meters rowed

That was my summer of workouts. I will continue most of this as a train with the Tri Club and compete this semester. After school, I will either compete only cycling, or triathlons. Who knows.

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