
Miraculously, the Rain Held Off

So far, this week has blown concerning prime cycling weather. Today was looking to be no exception. Every forecast I checked put Hoover/ Homewood at like 50%, and it even said to expect heavy rain. When I got off work, however, the skies were blue and it looked promising outside. The radar showed some crap coming towards us that I was pretty sure was going to hit us, but it still looked good outside.
As I was still pissed off from riding in the rain on Tuesday and spinning on Wednesday, I decided to chance it and go out...and it paid off! The weather was perfect and I enjoyed a 2 hour 15 minute 35 miler with absolutely no rain and blue skies. I checked the radar an hour or so after I got back...

Whatever, I'll take it. I don't know how it didn't hit, but I'm not asking questions.

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